Fear of Noises

Does your dog bark excessively at the sound of a big truck or the school bus? Does the sound of anything beeping seem to cause your dog to freak out and hide? Does he seem to respond to every little pin drop, some of which you can’t hear? Is he scared or anxious about things you can’t identify?

For some dogs, noises can wreak havoc on every day life for us and for them.  Some dogs may have been under-socialized to noises while others may have had a negative experience with a single noise then generalized it to many different noises.  Whether it’s a single noise or many different noises, there are ways to help your dog feel better about noise in his life.

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Together we will set up a management plan to help your dog feel calmer in our noisy world.  Then, we can implement a training plan to overcome noise sensitivity.  Noise sensitivity training will consist of desensitization, counterconditioning, and games.

What is desensitization? 

Introducing a sound at a level your dog can handle then slowly increasing the “volume” as he gets more and more comfortable with it.   Often, we introduce a different but similar sound and then build to the actual sound he is having struggles with. When combined with counterconditioning it is a very powerful tool.

What is counterconditioning?

Counterconditioning is pairing something your dog likes with something he is worried about.  In this case, it’s sounds.  By repeatedly pairing the two, our dogs begin to change from “fearful” to “neutral or even happy” about a noise.

What are the games for?

We use games to socialize our dogs to even more noises.  When our dogs get really good at the games, they can play them in the presence of once scary noises and learn to ask for them.

Schedule your first 60 minute appointment with a trainer today.

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